Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The Impact of Technology on Art Creation

 Bryan Mitchell Wood, a Charlotte, NC resident, has worked as a risk analytics manager at the Bank of America and a business support manager at Wells Fargo. Currently, Bryan M. Wood is a data management executive with the Bank of America. As a fine arts graduate from the University of North Carolina in Charlotte, NC, Bryan M. Wood enjoys spending his free time drawing and painting.

Technology has revolutionized art by enabling artists to use new technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, to create art in various styles. While some artists feel intimidated by these technological advances, many have embraced them as a way to expand the limits of art.

With machine learning models and AI tools, artists can now streamline their creative process and produce more intricate and complex works than ever before. AI-assisted drawing and painting software can also expedite the generation of sketches and concepts with greater precision. Furthermore, AI is pushing the boundaries of traditional and digital art by enabling the creation of new art forms.

Technology has also made art more cost-effective, as artists can now create works with minimal investment. Moreover, digital art has become increasingly popular due to its versatility, allowing for effortless art manipulation and replication while retaining the original quality without degradation.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Use of Natural Language Processing in Extracting Data in Banks

 A data management executive at the Bank of America in Charlotte, NC, Bryan M. Wood worked as a credit risk analytics manager for Wells Fargo in Charlotte, NC. As a data management executive, Bryan Mitchell Wood of Charlotte, NC, built a technology platform to help extract and classify data from documents. The platform leverages optical character recognition, image recognition, and natural language processing (NLP).

Natural language processing (NLP) is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on programming computers to understand, interpret and generate human language. Banks process vast volumes of data daily. Using conventional methods of extracting data involves a lot of manual labor and is time-consuming. However, using NLP, banks can automate extracting relevant information from unstructured data, saving time and effort. By analyzing text data, NLP algorithms can scan documents, detect common words and group them.

NLP can also identify the sentiments of a piece of data, whether positive, neutral, or negative. Sentiment analysis is vital for banks to gauge public opinion on their products and services. These insights can improve customer service, product design, and risk management. Another advantage of using NLP in banking is that it enables banks to monitor and analyze customer feedback in real time. This helps banks to identify and resolve customer complaints quickly, which leads to better customer satisfaction.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Improve Your Game with These Common Backgammon Strategies

 Since 2017, Bryan Mitchell Wood has served as a data management executive at Bank of America in Charlotte, NC. In his free time, Bryan M. Wood enjoys mountain biking, drawing, and painting. He is also an avid backgammon player.

With a history dating back 5,000 years to ancient Mesopotamia, backgammon is one of the world's oldest board games. While the game's rules have remained the same, various strategies have evolved over the years. The following strategies can improve your game and help you win more backgammon matches.

The running game is a classic backgammon strategy. The idea is to get your checkers to your home board as quickly as possible. This strategy's success depends on your rolls, so you should avoid playing a running game if you start out with weak rolls. Also, this strategy works best if you're ahead of your opponent.

You can also take a more offensive strategy and attack your opponent's vulnerable checkers whenever possible. A single checker on a point is a "blot" and can be "hit" and bumped to the bar if you roll a number that allows you to land on the blot. This strategy is effective because it sets your opponent back some number of pips and requires that they take additional rolls to get back on the board and proceed with the game. It's often the best option if you delay your opponent to get ahead.

Another common strategy is priming. In backgammon, a "prime" is a sequence of four or more made points in a row. This creates a wall of checkers that your opponent can't get past without rolling a five or a six. In addition to delaying your opponent's advance, priming gives your other advancing checkers safe places to land. Combining priming with attacking your opponent's vulnerable pieces can be very effective.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Artificial Intelligence to Detect Anomaly in the Banking Industry

 Anomaly detection involves identifying abnormal events, changes, or shifts in datasets. It aims to identify events or items that do not match the expected pattern. Unfortunately, anomaly detection has been made more difficult by big data.

Banks store and process huge amounts of data every day. With the transition from traditional banking to online banking, the need to safeguard this data is a priority for bankers for the well-being of customers and themselves.

Identifying unusual activities since they differ largely from normal activities is important in the banking industry. These anomalies can result from technical glitches, consumer behavior changes, accidents, malicious attacks, or incompetence. Anomaly detection raises alarm on suspicious incidents, such as money laundering, network intrusion, identity theft, account takeover, or fraud.

Human experts - no matter how well-trained - cannot practically cope with the ever-changing massive data points. Training machines, a process known as machine learning, is beneficial to an organization since it can handle huge data, do real-time comparisons, and is less expensive.

For an anomaly detection system to be effective, it should handle varying magnitudes of data, whether large-scale or small-scale. It should also account for frequency, referring to the rate at which data is likely to change, and whether the system used is static or dynamic. Three, conciseness or whether the system result should be at each metric level or the whole picture result is another consideration.

The anomaly detection system must have the ability to provide real-time results. A decision should be made on what period the anomaly is reported after detection. Whether immediately or after some given time. The last characteristic is whether the anomalies are defined or known prior and whether they can be grouped in the future.

In anomaly detection, there are three ways of going about it: unsupervised model, hybrid system, and manual system. An unsupervised model employs artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to pinpoint abnormal patterns without human assistance. In the current world of instant payments, machine learning is the most efficient for detecting strange patterns and returning real-time results.

The hybrid system is a strategy that employs both humans and machines. With experts defining what is normal and what is not. The machine picks what it has been trained as abnormal. The downside of this is the dynamic nature of data and associated threats.

For the manual system, a data professional helps to study charts, trends, graphs, meters, and other information, and apply industry knowledge to flag suspicious patterns. This method is time-consuming, prone to error, and unsustainable.

In the above three methods, using artificial intelligence, machine learning, and analytics in the banking industry is the most effective method in anomaly detection. This helps deal with new fraud patterns in multiple streams effectively. This is made effective, especially by task automation which saves banks valuable time and reduces the required personnel. Consequently saving costs.

Artificial intelligence also helps lower false positives. This is a situation where a genuine transaction is flagged as false. This situation irritates consumers and may hurt the bank's reputation. However, when artificial intelligence, if properly executed, can lower cases of false positives.

The Impact of Technology on Art Creation

 Bryan Mitchell Wood, a Charlotte, NC resident, has worked as a risk analytics manager at the Bank of America and a business support manager...